Cruise Report 23rd February 1966

Cruise Report
F.R.S. "Explorer"
23rd February - 14th March 1966


The ship sailed from Aberdeen at 1530hrs on 23rd February and, after completing the drift indicator stations at Turbot Bank and off Wick, commences the trawling survey on the north coast on the morning of the 24th. A visit had to be made to Stornoway on the 25th to land two 'flu cases from the crew, and the ship was storm-bound in the port until Monday 28th with the persistent gales of force 8-10 around the whole west coast area. Trawling commences again on the 28th and the ship completed the survey by Sunday 6th March, when in the face of continuous bad weather and gale warnings a passage was made to Broad Bay where the ship anchored. Thereafter, work was devoted to cod tagging off North Rona, but this was restricted through adverse weather conditions. On the passage back to Aberdeen the five stations in the Moray Firth were worked. "Explorer" docked in Aberdeen at 1730 hrs on 14th March.

D.F.S Raitt
24th March 1966


Cruise Report 27th March 1966